Since the Time of Sorrow the Rangers of Kerlo have protected the Northern Kerlo Plains from all manner of evil. Cloaked and stealthy they easily track down and slaughter their prey. Founded in the ToS 213 to combat the threat of the Gnolls. The Rangers of Kerlo are of Good Alignment although a few renegades may be Unaligned.
The Rangers of Kerlo prefer to use bows as a quick and stealthy means of taking down their prey. They pride themselves on their endurance and ability to cover large distances without rest. The Rangers of Kerlo are usually Westerfolk, but may also be Easterfolk, Elves, or even occasionally Gnoll outcasts. While largely independent the Rangers use magical devices to communicate with each over long distances to coordinate the attack. The Rangers are often feared and avoided due to their stark attitudes. Rangers always inhabit the Northern Kerlo Plains, but will occasionally journey elsewhere to capture and kill their prey. Unlike bounty hunters, the Rangers of Kerlo can never be bought or bought off, they will see their task to the end.
Rangers of Kerlo gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls made as part of the standard action instead of +1 when using the Running Attack class feature.
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