For millennium Knights have been a part of the Grand Scheme of things. The Knights of the Chivalric Orders have maintained balance in the Realm. Comprised mostly of Humans, the orders also play host to Dwarves, Dragonborn, and Half-Orcs.
Many of the Orders do not see eye to eye which has led to some rivalries, but do to the alignment of Knights they have never succumb to war. Although they have been on the brink many times. The Knights serve no particular monarchy instead choosing to serve the Realm as a whole. Usually equipped with the best gear and weapons as best to combat Evil. Keeping very little for themselves the Knights will generally give away most of their wealth. While their ideals are slightly convoluted, they are at heart the heroes of lore and will die defending the cause of Good.

The Order of The Dragon was founded in the Time of Awakening 1408 and flourished immediately. The Knights of the Order are sworn to protect the Cross Swords of Jendar, which is the symbol of the Gods. Knights of this order are proactive in slaying the enemies of the High Church of Jendar the Father God. They bear a red cross and a dragon on their tunics and garments. Usually heavily armored and mounted, they roam the Realm in groups killing all who would stand against the light of the Father God. Primarily fighting out of Saint Turee, they will often ride to the Northern Kerlo Plains and make battle with the Gnolls that inhabit that area. All members of the Order of the Dragon are Lawful Good.

A Knight of the People will do anything he is called upon to do. These Knights are the slayers of Dragons and killer of fiends that plague the Realm. They fight demons and other foul beasts. Often seeking out large creatures to destroy and secure their place in the heavens, Knights of the People are also aligned as Good rather than Lawful Good. A Knight of The People is most commonly Human in race and never a Paladin. Their symbol is a Dragon.
Knights of the Old Ways (AKA Knights of the Journey)
A Knight of the Old Ways are considered relics. They are few in number and are a dying caliber. Taught the virtues of the most heroic people from long before the Time of Awakening. A Knight of the Old Ways are often considered pariahs amongst their peers. They are the only order that allows Knights to grant Knighthood to their squires. Their symbol is purely white and they are always to their dying breath Lawful Good. A Knight who is on in years will often attach himself and his squire to an adventuring group. This is in order for him to commit one final courageous act in battle and to pass on leaving his squire to replace him.

Knights of the Temple are sworn to root out heretics and people set on destroying the High Church of Jendar. The Knights of the Temple never stray from the cities they protect and are often unarmored. They also protect the nobility and the homes of the people within the city they serve. Knights of the Temple are often overzealous in matters of church and state. They are not interested in fighting in battle and will only be called to do so if a crusade against evil has been called for by the High Priests. Knights of the Temple are often Good rather than Lawful Good. They will use almost any means necessary to destroy a heretic. Their symbol is a red cross.

Shield Maidens of the Light are similar to the Knights of the Order of the Dragon. They are eager to battle and are in many ways superior to their male counterparts. The Shield Maidens are often only Good, because of their zealous nature towards enemies of the Father God. Shield Maidens bear a white rose on their tunics and will pray before each battle. They are not likely to negotiate with anyone, causing some of their order to be cast out and banished. They will often fight to the death defending their Reverend Mother.
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