The Languages in the World are as diverse as its people. Most languages have a common root form that more than likely has split into many different dialects. Most peoples of the world will speak both the root form of their language as well be fully fluent in their particular dialect.
Common Tongue- A simple Language used by all races for trade and commerce. It is rarely spoken when all peoples of a group speak another language. The Common tongue is dissimilar to English in its complexity and is more akin to Spanish. That does not mean it sounds Spanish, but is spoken by all races simplistically.
Nordage- It is the extremely guttural language of the Northdwellers. It is derived from the Dwarven Tongue and other various local languages of the North. Rarely spoken to outsiders or scholars by its native speakers. Characters who are classified as Northdwellers speak Nordage in addition to any other languages they may speak. Dwarves, Goblins, Half-Orcs, and Orcs may also choose to speak this language if they are from the North.
Weilish- Weilish is most similar to modern English or Shakespearean English. Spoken by most nobles and peasants alike. Weilish is the epitome of class and is also similar to French in its status. This is the native language of the Westerfolk and they openly teach it to others, because they believe it is the language of the Gods. Characters who are classified as Westerfolk speak Weilish in addition to any other languages they may speak. Any race who lives within the borders of the Westerfolk territory may choose to speak this language.
Esterese- Esterese is spoken by the Easterfolk. It has many dialects, more than both Weilish and Nordage. Easterese is only known by the Easterfolk and is never taught to people not from the East. The Easterfolk prize their language as it is one of the few things that unites their barbarian culture. Characters who are classified as Easterfolk speak Esterese in addition to any other languages they may speak. Only Easterfolk and Half-Elves and Half-Orcs raised by their human parent may speak this Language.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Town of Poisonmead
4th session
The Party after a long night of partying wakes up and sets off to look for some bandits. When they realize they are outnumbered they quickly run back to the tavern and get breakfast. Their Fighter and Gnoll have gone ahead to Saint Turee to scout, but they are joined by a new Dwarf Warlord, a Dragonborn Paladin, and their old buddy Voron the Warforged Fighter.
They are soon ambushed by Zombies and lots of them. It seems the Black Kings forces tampered with the towns most famous alcoholic drink, Poisonmead. It is derived from various hallucinogenic poisons. The drink turned the town into raving lunatic zombies. After defeating many of them they noticed that the Zombies had begun to travel north. They quickly found a side road and ran to try and cut them off. They were ambushed by a Wight and one of the White Mother Dragons children who warned them of their impending doom.
Now they are but a stones throw away from the Great City of Saint Turee.
The Party after a long night of partying wakes up and sets off to look for some bandits. When they realize they are outnumbered they quickly run back to the tavern and get breakfast. Their Fighter and Gnoll have gone ahead to Saint Turee to scout, but they are joined by a new Dwarf Warlord, a Dragonborn Paladin, and their old buddy Voron the Warforged Fighter.
They are soon ambushed by Zombies and lots of them. It seems the Black Kings forces tampered with the towns most famous alcoholic drink, Poisonmead. It is derived from various hallucinogenic poisons. The drink turned the town into raving lunatic zombies. After defeating many of them they noticed that the Zombies had begun to travel north. They quickly found a side road and ran to try and cut them off. They were ambushed by a Wight and one of the White Mother Dragons children who warned them of their impending doom.
Now they are but a stones throw away from the Great City of Saint Turee.
Friday, February 4, 2011
The Dungeon of Dread
Third Session
The Party arrived at a small tavern on the road to the town of Boran. While there they grabbed a few drinks and tried relentlessly to gather information. Their Cleric and Sorceress, Alya, was able to find out information. They were also joined by a Warforged Mercenary by the name of Voron. The cornered a local bandit and asked about the road to Boran. He told them that it is plagued by the Dark Rider and he will slay any who travel the road at night. He informs them that their is a deadly short cut if they cut through the Dungeon of Dread. After much deliberating the party decides to brave the Dungeon.
Upon entering they are immediately assaulted by skeletons. After descending many levels and slaying many foes they arrive at the bottom level which has treasures and a ladder leading to the surface. It is protected by Black Storm Cultists and Jorgon the Beholder. The battle was long and hard, but they were able to defeat Jorgon and retrieve a book of experience. Reading one passage would make the person more knowledgeable and versatile. Reading more than one would cause them to perish. The book had enough unread passages to serve the entire group.
*The Party Leveled up to three
The Party arrived at a small tavern on the road to the town of Boran. While there they grabbed a few drinks and tried relentlessly to gather information. Their Cleric and Sorceress, Alya, was able to find out information. They were also joined by a Warforged Mercenary by the name of Voron. The cornered a local bandit and asked about the road to Boran. He told them that it is plagued by the Dark Rider and he will slay any who travel the road at night. He informs them that their is a deadly short cut if they cut through the Dungeon of Dread. After much deliberating the party decides to brave the Dungeon.
Upon entering they are immediately assaulted by skeletons. After descending many levels and slaying many foes they arrive at the bottom level which has treasures and a ladder leading to the surface. It is protected by Black Storm Cultists and Jorgon the Beholder. The battle was long and hard, but they were able to defeat Jorgon and retrieve a book of experience. Reading one passage would make the person more knowledgeable and versatile. Reading more than one would cause them to perish. The book had enough unread passages to serve the entire group.
*The Party Leveled up to three
Gnomes (Lords of Illusion)

Gnomes have long inhabited the world. They are believed to be distant cousins of Halflings by most scholars. Gnomes have no cities and no real society. They prefer to live in the company of other races and study and build things. Gnomes will more than likely live unwelcome in places of great magical study or understanding.

They have excellent vision and will more often than not read magical records or scripts written by powerful wizards when the wizards have fallen asleep. Gnomes are often Lawful Good, but are still capable of bending the rules. Stealthy like Halflings they can easily slip past guards or even magical barriers due to the attunement with magic. It is believed that before the Time of Awakening a Wizard that had seen no use for Halflings attempted to make them into conduits of magical energy so he could make war against his rivals. His experiments failed and he created the race known as Gnomes. These mutated and twisted Halflings, who were extremely adept with magic, trapped the Wizard in his own mind. His rivals soon overtook the Wizards stronghold and he was no more. The Gnomes, unwelcome by the Halflings, set out to find a place of their own. Gnomes prefer to study magic and will usually not take up martial arms. Gnomes share a love of story telling like their Halfling cousins and will usually take up the life of a Bard. Some Gnomes who share the Human drive will prefer to be leaders in combat and eventually Warlords commanding troops. Gnomes of Evil alignment almost always become Warlocks.
Rangers of Kerlo

Since the Time of Sorrow the Rangers of Kerlo have protected the Northern Kerlo Plains from all manner of evil. Cloaked and stealthy they easily track down and slaughter their prey. Founded in the ToS 213 to combat the threat of the Gnolls. The Rangers of Kerlo are of Good Alignment although a few renegades may be Unaligned.
The Rangers of Kerlo prefer to use bows as a quick and stealthy means of taking down their prey. They pride themselves on their endurance and ability to cover large distances without rest. The Rangers of Kerlo are usually Westerfolk, but may also be Easterfolk, Elves, or even occasionally Gnoll outcasts. While largely independent the Rangers use magical devices to communicate with each over long distances to coordinate the attack. The Rangers are often feared and avoided due to their stark attitudes. Rangers always inhabit the Northern Kerlo Plains, but will occasionally journey elsewhere to capture and kill their prey. Unlike bounty hunters, the Rangers of Kerlo can never be bought or bought off, they will see their task to the end.
Rangers of Kerlo gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls made as part of the standard action instead of +1 when using the Running Attack class feature.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Orders of Chivalry (Knights, Paladins, Cavaliers, and Do-gooders)

For millennium Knights have been a part of the Grand Scheme of things. The Knights of the Chivalric Orders have maintained balance in the Realm. Comprised mostly of Humans, the orders also play host to Dwarves, Dragonborn, and Half-Orcs.
Many of the Orders do not see eye to eye which has led to some rivalries, but do to the alignment of Knights they have never succumb to war. Although they have been on the brink many times. The Knights serve no particular monarchy instead choosing to serve the Realm as a whole. Usually equipped with the best gear and weapons as best to combat Evil. Keeping very little for themselves the Knights will generally give away most of their wealth. While their ideals are slightly convoluted, they are at heart the heroes of lore and will die defending the cause of Good.

The Order of The Dragon was founded in the Time of Awakening 1408 and flourished immediately. The Knights of the Order are sworn to protect the Cross Swords of Jendar, which is the symbol of the Gods. Knights of this order are proactive in slaying the enemies of the High Church of Jendar the Father God. They bear a red cross and a dragon on their tunics and garments. Usually heavily armored and mounted, they roam the Realm in groups killing all who would stand against the light of the Father God. Primarily fighting out of Saint Turee, they will often ride to the Northern Kerlo Plains and make battle with the Gnolls that inhabit that area. All members of the Order of the Dragon are Lawful Good.

A Knight of the People will do anything he is called upon to do. These Knights are the slayers of Dragons and killer of fiends that plague the Realm. They fight demons and other foul beasts. Often seeking out large creatures to destroy and secure their place in the heavens, Knights of the People are also aligned as Good rather than Lawful Good. A Knight of The People is most commonly Human in race and never a Paladin. Their symbol is a Dragon.
Knights of the Old Ways (AKA Knights of the Journey)
A Knight of the Old Ways are considered relics. They are few in number and are a dying caliber. Taught the virtues of the most heroic people from long before the Time of Awakening. A Knight of the Old Ways are often considered pariahs amongst their peers. They are the only order that allows Knights to grant Knighthood to their squires. Their symbol is purely white and they are always to their dying breath Lawful Good. A Knight who is on in years will often attach himself and his squire to an adventuring group. This is in order for him to commit one final courageous act in battle and to pass on leaving his squire to replace him.

Knights of the Temple are sworn to root out heretics and people set on destroying the High Church of Jendar. The Knights of the Temple never stray from the cities they protect and are often unarmored. They also protect the nobility and the homes of the people within the city they serve. Knights of the Temple are often overzealous in matters of church and state. They are not interested in fighting in battle and will only be called to do so if a crusade against evil has been called for by the High Priests. Knights of the Temple are often Good rather than Lawful Good. They will use almost any means necessary to destroy a heretic. Their symbol is a red cross.

Shield Maidens of the Light are similar to the Knights of the Order of the Dragon. They are eager to battle and are in many ways superior to their male counterparts. The Shield Maidens are often only Good, because of their zealous nature towards enemies of the Father God. Shield Maidens bear a white rose on their tunics and will pray before each battle. They are not likely to negotiate with anyone, causing some of their order to be cast out and banished. They will often fight to the death defending their Reverend Mother.
Gnolls (Lords of the Hunt)

Gnolls have inhabited the Northern Kerlo Plains for centuries. Created by the Hethen God Kirathos during the Time of Awakening. They are considered to be demonic entities placed in the world to cause destruction and violence towards civilized races and are seen by most Knightly Orders to be a test to overcome. Gnolls for the most part never leave the comfort zone of the plains, but occasionally leave to raid nearby villages and towns. Usually Evil in alignment they may also be neutral, because they do not tend to care about the state of the world or its problems.
Often at war with both Westerfolk and Easterfolk, the Gnolls numbers are declining due to the fact that they are fighting a two front war. In recent years the Gnolls have become more settled while they try to recuperate their numbers. Gnolls are usually part of the Grand Pack, which is an alliance of most of the Gnoll Packs living within the plains. Pack Leaders usually fight for dominance every few months. As the seasons change so do the Pack leaders.

Gnolls from Pack Gorefang receive a +1 bonus to intimidate checks.
Halflings (The Lords of the Heart)
Halflings (The Lords of the Heart)
Halflings have long been separated from Humanity and the other civilized races, preferring to live in their ancestral home The Commons. They lead simple lives there as farmers, fishermen, or even thieves. Almost always Lawful Good, Halflings have only recently left their home to explore the world.
Halflings prefer to be unnoticed and are quite adept at doing so. They often avoid detection in places they shouldn’t be. Stealing to get by and usually living their lives in solitude when outside The Commons. Halflings are resilient against Evil and are incapable of being such. Causing decidedly Evil acts can cause them great pain.
Halflings prefer to be Rogues and Thieves, but can fulfill other positions as well. Extremely adept with a dagger, Halflings rarely use any other weapons unless it has been custom made.
Halflings have long been separated from Humanity and the other civilized races, preferring to live in their ancestral home The Commons. They lead simple lives there as farmers, fishermen, or even thieves. Almost always Lawful Good, Halflings have only recently left their home to explore the world.
Halflings prefer to be unnoticed and are quite adept at doing so. They often avoid detection in places they shouldn’t be. Stealing to get by and usually living their lives in solitude when outside The Commons. Halflings are resilient against Evil and are incapable of being such. Causing decidedly Evil acts can cause them great pain.
Halflings prefer to be Rogues and Thieves, but can fulfill other positions as well. Extremely adept with a dagger, Halflings rarely use any other weapons unless it has been custom made.
Halfies (The Ones Without Purpose)
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A Half-Orc Paladin of Jendar |
Yes there are half this and half that in the realm. Since the beginning races have intermingled to create what are affectionately known as “Halfies”. Halfies can come in many shapes and sizes and are common throughout the Realm. Usually accepted by cultures, but not by religion. Most religious officials will frown upon “Halfies”. To be guilty of bearing a “Halfie” is a sin punishable by death in some less civilized cultures.
There are many types of “Halfies”, but the most common are Half-Elves and Half-Orcs. Both are produced by a human parent. There are many more races that may be able to successfully breed, but the chances of conception are lower.
Some factions and groups frown on “Halfies” and will shun them from society, but most are very accepting of them. They are raised like any other member of society. Unfortunately it is unknown whether “Halfies” truly possess souls regardless of parental origins. Most religious scholars believe they do not have a true soul and therefore can not be easily brought back to life. “Halfies” have also been proven highly resistant to possession and other demonic afflictions as well as immunity to most sexually transmitted diseases.
A chart detailing which creatures can cross breed.
Greenskins (Lords of Chaos)
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Orcs from various tribes |
Orcs and Goblins are both considered Greenskins by most. In fact some Dragonborn and Lizarfolk are also considered Greenskins. The Greenskins are unaware of their past of how they came into being, but is a great belief among their shamanistic culture that Phil, God of Life had given them life. They litter the wilderness with their tribes and gangs. Looked at as pests by most of society, the Greenskins have decided to rebel against all. Almost always Chaotic Evil in alignment.
Since the Time of Awakening the Greenskins, most notably the Orcs, have been at war with the Dwarves and Northdwellers, but are friend to virtually no one. Goblins have found a niche as inventors and tradesmen in the northern territories of the Realm, but are a rare sight south of Vestrod. The Greenskins are usually allied with each other regardless of race.
Greenskins will fight with almost anything and wear any type of armor they can salvage. Most Orcs from the north fight with Axes, because of the wide variety produced from the corpses of fallen Dwarves and Northdwellers. Southern dwelling Orcs will more than likely fight with swords and other weapons produced with in the borders of the Duchies of Itis. Tribal and shamanistic in traditions and religion most Greenskins fight for honor and pride among their people.
Tusked Greenskins
Tusked Greenskins are Orcs, Trolls, and Ogres of Greenskin. They will dwell throughout the Realm serving who ever will pay(usually in food) the best. They are the most versatile of the Greenskins.
Small Greenskins
Small Greenskins are Goblins and the like. They are usually traders and tend to keep themselves up north, unless paid by some evildoer. Goblins are rarely sympathetic and will never return money or give a refund of any kind.
Tending to live in Goblar or Pash, the Goblins trade the various goods they salvage from the battles their tusked brethren participate in. They are often more of a nuisance in combat rather than a threat, but some Goblins become great shaman.
Scaled Greenskins
Scaled Greenskins are green Dragon Born and Lizardfolk. Green Dragonborn while not true Greenskins are looked down upon because of the color of their scales. Lizardfolk are also not truly Greenskins, but are grouped with them. Scaled members rarely communicate with the other Greenskins. Lizardmen or Lizardfolk live in the Great Swamp and rarely see any other type of Greenskin. They are almost always Chaotic Evil, but occasionally may be just Evil.
Greenskin Dragonborns are the only Greenskins truly accepted by society as a whole. Dragonborn with Green Scales have an affinity for other races with the same color hue. They are also the only Greenskins that are Lawful Good and rarely are contrary to that.
Like all Dragonborn they prefer to serve the light and become Paladins, Runepriests, or various other servants of the light. Greenskin Dragonborn receive a +1 bonus to any Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma involving another Greenskin due to the respect they are given by all Greenskins, because of their power and ferocity in combat.
Dwarves (Lords of the Mountain)

Dwarves were created at the same time as the Humans and Elves. Since the beginning they have sought to be one with the earth. Digging great mines and burrows. Always preferring to be low to the ground. While small in population the Dwarves have great skill in battle and in crafting superior weaponry.
Since the Time of Awakening the Dwarves have been at war with the Greenskins. Waging war on them for centuries. Dwarves are small in stature, but not small in heart or strength. Dwarves are usually of Good alignment, but will not easily suffer a Greenskin or Northdweller to live among them.
Dwarves will never ride steeds into battle preferring to ambush their opponents. They will usually seek training in mining or crafting as a skill set for the world. Vicious in battle, they prefer to use axes or hammers as opposed to swords. Dwarves take pride in their armor and believe it to be as much a part of them as their arms. They usually live in great mountain halls or in hilly burrows with few major cities. Most take to a life of religion if they aren’t a craftsmen or miner.
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A dwarf facing off against some green skins |
Humans (Lords of the Land)
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Westerfolk |
Humans have inhabited the Realm since the beginning. One of the first races created by the Gods. They have spread throughout the Realm and are believed to have gone even farther than that. They are the most plentiful in terms of population. It is uncommon to not find humans in any city or major town.
Humans came to prominence in the Time of Awakening. They conquered the other races in terms of combat and willpower. Easily inspired by motivational speeches and words of encouragement Humans often beat out all opponents via sheer force of will. Although easily tempted by greed, lust, and drink, humans are usually Good in alignment.
Humans typically living their lives as peasants and farmers if not of the noble class. Competent soldiers and knights, Humans tend to favor positions of prestige and worth such as being a Paladin or Cleric. Regardless of the path they choose Humans come in many varieties most notably they are divided into three groups.
Westerfolk are Humans who live west of the Northern Kerlo Plains. Most civilized and developed of the three groups. Westerfolk make up about 50% of all humans that roam the Realm.
Easterfolk are Humans who live east of the Northern Kerlo Plains. Not much is known about Easterfolk. They typically live in solitude or in small hidden communities studying Magic or various other trades. Mostly thought of Barbarians, but that isn’t entirely true.
Northdwellers are Humans who live above the City of Pash. They have the smallest land area. Northdwellers are masters of combat and fight within their borders frequently when not at war with the Goblins, Orcs, and Dwarves.
The three groups of Humans usually get along with each other when encountered, but rarely see or communicate outside their borders unless traveling in a party. Humans tend to seek adventure and excitement and excel in leadership positions partially due to the fact they make up the bulk of the worlds population.
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Northdweller |
Northdwellers bare a hatred towards Greenskins and Dwarves. They do not easily get along with Dwarves regardless of circumstances and will usually feel uneasy around them if nothing else. Northdwellerss are almost always great a building and typically carry a set of simple tools with them.
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Easterfolk |
Easterfolk are the most mysterious of all the groups of Humans. Long separated from civilized culture they tend to be more Barbarian in nature, while not in the least unintelligent. They are always aligned as good, only switching through life experience outside of their borders across the Northern Kerlo Plains.
While greater in strength than Westerfolk, they do not feel comfortable in armor and tend to avoid wearing it. Comfortable using most any weapon they tend to prefer swords or staves over any other weapon.
Followers of Saint Hubert

The followers of Saint Hubert are a group founded by the students and disciples of the Saint. A follower of Saint Hubert is usually Good in Alignment, but might also be unaligned. The Followers are always Monks who follow a monastic tradition and the teachings of Saint Hubert.
Training for years, sometimes in solitude the Followers of Saint Hubert are revered throughout the realm and are well known to most Priests and Clergymen. Often respected out of fear for their abilities, Followers of Saint Hubert will never carry more than a walking stick or quarter staff as to not be seen as a threat.
Saint Hubert
Saint Hubert (Time of Awakening 1013-1085)
ToA 1013
Saint Hubert was born into the Time of Awakening. Born ToA 113, Saint Hubert was no stranger to hardship. He is the Patron Saint of Inner Discipline and Peace. Like most poor folk Hubert was sent to a monastery to be trained as a monk. Destined to a life of solitude and doomed to copy manuscripts, Hubert dreamed of more. Chance came when he was twenty years old in the form of an Easterfolk.
ToA 1033
The Easterfolk went by the name of Master Ping. He was an expert in unarmed combat and meditation. He was also a monk, but of a different caliber. He believed the path to the gods was not through the reciting of prayer and worship, but by the cleansing of ones soul. For ten years Hubert trained in Master Ping’s Martial Arts all the while being frowned upon by his fellows.
ToA 1043
Word spread of this unpopular form of worship and the small town that would later be renamed Saint Huberts began to revolt. Small skirmishes soon broke out around the town with the monks and the peasants. For months these heated incidents continued to cause more and more unrest in the realm. This eventually led the local Lord to dispatch a garrison of troops to quell the unrest of peasants and to put an end to the bloodshed.
ToA 1047
Master Ping dies an old and accomplished man. His death is heralded by only the monks of the monastery who over time had come to love him. Hubert however was not in attendance. He had set out on a pilgrimage to the city of Lud only a week before. During his time in Lud Hubert founded a local chapel where he began teaching the fat and overindulged priests how to become more spiritually in tune with the world. He did this for the next thirty years.
ToA 1077
Hubert leaves Lud never to return. He arrives at his old monastery a month later asking to see Master Ping. Hubert cried out in agony and took a vow of silence from that day on. He spent the rest of his days practicing his meditation and trying to become more in touch with the gods. He died eight years later.
ToA 2000
Hubert is made a Saint by the agreement of all the High Priests of the realm. He is the last person to be named a Saint before the Time of Sorrow.
ToA 1013
Saint Hubert was born into the Time of Awakening. Born ToA 113, Saint Hubert was no stranger to hardship. He is the Patron Saint of Inner Discipline and Peace. Like most poor folk Hubert was sent to a monastery to be trained as a monk. Destined to a life of solitude and doomed to copy manuscripts, Hubert dreamed of more. Chance came when he was twenty years old in the form of an Easterfolk.
ToA 1033
The Easterfolk went by the name of Master Ping. He was an expert in unarmed combat and meditation. He was also a monk, but of a different caliber. He believed the path to the gods was not through the reciting of prayer and worship, but by the cleansing of ones soul. For ten years Hubert trained in Master Ping’s Martial Arts all the while being frowned upon by his fellows.
ToA 1043
Word spread of this unpopular form of worship and the small town that would later be renamed Saint Huberts began to revolt. Small skirmishes soon broke out around the town with the monks and the peasants. For months these heated incidents continued to cause more and more unrest in the realm. This eventually led the local Lord to dispatch a garrison of troops to quell the unrest of peasants and to put an end to the bloodshed.
ToA 1047
Master Ping dies an old and accomplished man. His death is heralded by only the monks of the monastery who over time had come to love him. Hubert however was not in attendance. He had set out on a pilgrimage to the city of Lud only a week before. During his time in Lud Hubert founded a local chapel where he began teaching the fat and overindulged priests how to become more spiritually in tune with the world. He did this for the next thirty years.
ToA 1077
Hubert leaves Lud never to return. He arrives at his old monastery a month later asking to see Master Ping. Hubert cried out in agony and took a vow of silence from that day on. He spent the rest of his days practicing his meditation and trying to become more in touch with the gods. He died eight years later.
ToA 2000
Hubert is made a Saint by the agreement of all the High Priests of the realm. He is the last person to be named a Saint before the Time of Sorrow.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
The Black Storm
Session 2
The party traveled along the road to the small hamlet of Treedom where they would take their first rest along their long trek to the City of Saint Turee. Along the road the party was assaulted by the many bandits who plague the road due to the lack of patrols.
When they arrived in Treedom they were made aware by the village elder that The Black Storm has plagued the hamlet every night and that any villagers outside at night during the storm go missing and are never seen again. They decide to investigate eventually linking the Storm to a cult of the same name. Although usually unaligned something is forcing them into the service of the black king. Cornering them in their cavern hide out they manage to kill all but one cultist. Having saved the town they are now on their way to the town of Boran.
The party traveled along the road to the small hamlet of Treedom where they would take their first rest along their long trek to the City of Saint Turee. Along the road the party was assaulted by the many bandits who plague the road due to the lack of patrols.
When they arrived in Treedom they were made aware by the village elder that The Black Storm has plagued the hamlet every night and that any villagers outside at night during the storm go missing and are never seen again. They decide to investigate eventually linking the Storm to a cult of the same name. Although usually unaligned something is forcing them into the service of the black king. Cornering them in their cavern hide out they manage to kill all but one cultist. Having saved the town they are now on their way to the town of Boran.
Den of Darkness
Session 1
The Den of Darkness is a crypt buried deep in the underbelly of the City of Lud. It was originally a tomb for the lords of the city, but the Forces of the Black King had gained a foothold in the city by utilizing it as a base of operations. The party freed many prisoners there and discovered a clutch of Dragons Eggs as well as a mysterious book.
After collecting a reward for clearing the Den and Darkness and rescuing the kidnapped townsfolk they were asked by the Captain of the Guard to escort the book they found to the city of Saint Turee.
The Den of Darkness is a crypt buried deep in the underbelly of the City of Lud. It was originally a tomb for the lords of the city, but the Forces of the Black King had gained a foothold in the city by utilizing it as a base of operations. The party freed many prisoners there and discovered a clutch of Dragons Eggs as well as a mysterious book.
After collecting a reward for clearing the Den and Darkness and rescuing the kidnapped townsfolk they were asked by the Captain of the Guard to escort the book they found to the city of Saint Turee.
Ashald Rotham
Ashald Rosham was orhpaned at the age of five. His parents were killed in an attack by campaigns big bad on the city of Lud. In the confusion following no living relative could be found, and Ashald was left to the care of one of the local monastery’s. While never particularly devoted to the monastery's diety, Godizekquinn, he none the less excelled at monastery life. Especially in regards to the physical aspect of his training.
While many of the fellow orphans in the care of the monastery left to persue their fortunes in the city, Ashald was not motivated by momentary gain. He simply wished to perfect his martial capability’s. He has spent years traveling between all of Lud's monastery's learning from their masters.
Even after mastering all that Lud has to offer, he still feels there is more to be learned.
Recently, Ashald has been taken by wanderlust. Even thought he has never left Lud, he has felt a driving need to test himself in the world, and further his martial path. Unfortunately, spending his life in a monastery has made him somewhat naive in the ways of the world. As a result, Ashald has been reluctant to leave the city. In an effort to gain enlightenment on the subject he has been frequenting the city’s many taverns and observing travelers to the city. Recently, on one such excursion, Ashald was lucky enough to come upon a group of travelers. The leader of band seemingly seeking the same goals as himself, knowledge.
While many of the fellow orphans in the care of the monastery left to persue their fortunes in the city, Ashald was not motivated by momentary gain. He simply wished to perfect his martial capability’s. He has spent years traveling between all of Lud's monastery's learning from their masters.
Even after mastering all that Lud has to offer, he still feels there is more to be learned.
Recently, Ashald has been taken by wanderlust. Even thought he has never left Lud, he has felt a driving need to test himself in the world, and further his martial path. Unfortunately, spending his life in a monastery has made him somewhat naive in the ways of the world. As a result, Ashald has been reluctant to leave the city. In an effort to gain enlightenment on the subject he has been frequenting the city’s many taverns and observing travelers to the city. Recently, on one such excursion, Ashald was lucky enough to come upon a group of travelers. The leader of band seemingly seeking the same goals as himself, knowledge.
Alya the Sorceress
In the woods of Nimnor, there grew a young, elegant elf named Alya. She lived a simple life, working around the village helping all the villagers. Her mother was the head elf archer in the village, so from a young age, she was shooting a bow & becoming an excellent archer. Her father, however, was a powerful sorcerer. She has a purely instinctive affinity for arcane forces, especially wild magic. She grew up other little elves around her. Unfortunately, she was disgusted by half-elves. She felt that they weren't worthy of having “elf” in their name. She and other elves made fun of half-elves. Alya was forced to go to school with everyone, including the half-elves. She hated school all she ever thought about was going outside, shooting her bow, and doing a few spells her father taught her.
Now a beautiful, 5'6”, brown hair, 60 year old sorceress elf, Alya travels around all the lands. She left her village around 40 years old because of a conflict she had with a dumb, little half-elf. Since then, she hasn't spoken to her parents or anyone from the village. She arrived in the city of Lud a week or so ago and is getting accustomed to the new people and things around her. She regularly goes to a tavern and enjoys watching the people pass through. She decides to go on some adventures with some men she met in the tavern. Unfortunately, one is a half-elf, but maybe they can settle their differences. She hopes to continue traveling around and learning more new things.
Now a beautiful, 5'6”, brown hair, 60 year old sorceress elf, Alya travels around all the lands. She left her village around 40 years old because of a conflict she had with a dumb, little half-elf. Since then, she hasn't spoken to her parents or anyone from the village. She arrived in the city of Lud a week or so ago and is getting accustomed to the new people and things around her. She regularly goes to a tavern and enjoys watching the people pass through. She decides to go on some adventures with some men she met in the tavern. Unfortunately, one is a half-elf, but maybe they can settle their differences. She hopes to continue traveling around and learning more new things.
Saint Turee

ToS 3
Saint Turee lived in the Time of Sorrow. Born to a poor family in ToS 3 he was sent to the High Church of Jendar to study and interpret the ways of the Father God. For years he toiled as a scribe in different monasteries throughout the region surrounding the area that would one day become the city of his namesake.
ToS 67
Saint Turee is the Patron Saint of Holy Orders. All Priests and Clergymen must train in the great city of Saint Turee before being sanctioned by the Divine Order of Saint Turee. ToS 67 after years of serving as a head of his monastery he felt he had become to complacent and was not fulfilling his commitment to the High Church of Jendar and his life was contradictory to the teachings of the Father God. He gathered what little resources he had and a few companions. They enlisted in one of the local militia and for the next five years served as Battle Clerics.
ToS 72
Father Turee as he was known in these years, watched his companions fall in battle after battle. The healing powers he had been gifted with by Jendar were not enough to spare his comrades. Never discouraged, Father Turee founded an Order of Clerics known as the Order of the Heart. The Order’s founding members were little more than apothecaries and local medicine men with no real skill in the healing arts. He spent the remainder of his life attempting to train Clerics and sending them out into the world to do good. Unfortunately the notoriety of the Order of the Heart never flourished during Father Turee’s life.
ToS 80
Father Turee dies in his sleep at his monastery home and headquarters of the Order of the Heart. He is put to rest atop a funeral pyre and his ashes were spread to the wind.
ToS 100
Twenty years after his death, the Order of the Heart participated in the Battle of Kerlo. Their healing abilities turned the tide of battle resulting in the King presenting them with a proper temple to replace their old monastery. Their founder was made a Saint for his part in training the Clerics of the Order of the Heart.
ToS 103
One hundred years after his birth the area around the Temple of the Order of the Heart became a upstart village. Starting as a trading post and growing bigger year after year until it had reached the size of a small city. The city was named for the founder of the Order.
Order of the Heart
Order of the Heart (Founded in the Time of Sorrow 72)
The Order of the Heart was founded by Saint Turee in the Time of Sorrow 72. They wander the world joining various groups of do-gooders and supplying them with their healing hands. Clerics of the Order of the Heart usually wear symbols of the Order on their tabards and tunics. They rarely use edged weapons but are not against it. They prefer to use maces and staves if any weapons at all.
Clerics of the Order typically serve Jendar but occasionally serve an undergod such as Fa’Cebutt. Clerics of this Order are always Lawful Good and prefer diplomacy to fighting. Typically well versed in Nature and History. Clerics of the Order of the Heart are able to channel their energy and with divine intervention can temporarily aid their allies.
The Order of the Heart was founded by Saint Turee in the Time of Sorrow 72. They wander the world joining various groups of do-gooders and supplying them with their healing hands. Clerics of the Order of the Heart usually wear symbols of the Order on their tabards and tunics. They rarely use edged weapons but are not against it. They prefer to use maces and staves if any weapons at all.
Clerics of the Order typically serve Jendar but occasionally serve an undergod such as Fa’Cebutt. Clerics of this Order are always Lawful Good and prefer diplomacy to fighting. Typically well versed in Nature and History. Clerics of the Order of the Heart are able to channel their energy and with divine intervention can temporarily aid their allies.
Sorcerers of Dakin
Sorcerers of Dakin (Founded at the beginning of the Time of Sorrow)
The Sorcerers of Dakin are a band of Elven Sorcerers and Sorceresses. Founded in Nimnor during the time of Saint Turee, the Sorcerers of Dakin embrace the ways of the wild. Training themselves in forms of Wild Magic. Used as combat mages in the Battle of Kerlo, the Sorcerers have for centuries learned the combat arts.
The Sorcerers of Dakin are of pure Elven blood only and no other race may be permitted membership to this illustrious order. Sorcerers of Dakin are usually unaligned and prefer to be neutral in all matters of the world, but usually lean towards Good rather than Evil. They are against edged weapons preferring to use staves as both implements and weapons. Well versed Nature and always Athletic the Sorcerers of Dakin are a force to be reckoned with.
A Sorcerer of Dakin gains the Sorcerer of Dakin Feat. You may re roll any failed athletics or nature checks.
The Sorcerers of Dakin are a band of Elven Sorcerers and Sorceresses. Founded in Nimnor during the time of Saint Turee, the Sorcerers of Dakin embrace the ways of the wild. Training themselves in forms of Wild Magic. Used as combat mages in the Battle of Kerlo, the Sorcerers have for centuries learned the combat arts.
The Sorcerers of Dakin are of pure Elven blood only and no other race may be permitted membership to this illustrious order. Sorcerers of Dakin are usually unaligned and prefer to be neutral in all matters of the world, but usually lean towards Good rather than Evil. They are against edged weapons preferring to use staves as both implements and weapons. Well versed Nature and always Athletic the Sorcerers of Dakin are a force to be reckoned with.
A Sorcerer of Dakin gains the Sorcerer of Dakin Feat. You may re roll any failed athletics or nature checks.
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