The Languages in the World are as diverse as its people. Most languages have a common root form that more than likely has split into many different dialects. Most peoples of the world will speak both the root form of their language as well be fully fluent in their particular dialect.
Common Tongue- A simple Language used by all races for trade and commerce. It is rarely spoken when all peoples of a group speak another language. The Common tongue is dissimilar to English in its complexity and is more akin to Spanish. That does not mean it sounds Spanish, but is spoken by all races simplistically.
Nordage- It is the extremely guttural language of the Northdwellers. It is derived from the Dwarven Tongue and other various local languages of the North. Rarely spoken to outsiders or scholars by its native speakers. Characters who are classified as Northdwellers speak Nordage in addition to any other languages they may speak. Dwarves, Goblins, Half-Orcs, and Orcs may also choose to speak this language if they are from the North.
Weilish- Weilish is most similar to modern English or Shakespearean English. Spoken by most nobles and peasants alike. Weilish is the epitome of class and is also similar to French in its status. This is the native language of the Westerfolk and they openly teach it to others, because they believe it is the language of the Gods. Characters who are classified as Westerfolk speak Weilish in addition to any other languages they may speak. Any race who lives within the borders of the Westerfolk territory may choose to speak this language.
Esterese- Esterese is spoken by the Easterfolk. It has many dialects, more than both Weilish and Nordage. Easterese is only known by the Easterfolk and is never taught to people not from the East. The Easterfolk prize their language as it is one of the few things that unites their barbarian culture. Characters who are classified as Easterfolk speak Esterese in addition to any other languages they may speak. Only Easterfolk and Half-Elves and Half-Orcs raised by their human parent may speak this Language.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Town of Poisonmead
4th session
The Party after a long night of partying wakes up and sets off to look for some bandits. When they realize they are outnumbered they quickly run back to the tavern and get breakfast. Their Fighter and Gnoll have gone ahead to Saint Turee to scout, but they are joined by a new Dwarf Warlord, a Dragonborn Paladin, and their old buddy Voron the Warforged Fighter.
They are soon ambushed by Zombies and lots of them. It seems the Black Kings forces tampered with the towns most famous alcoholic drink, Poisonmead. It is derived from various hallucinogenic poisons. The drink turned the town into raving lunatic zombies. After defeating many of them they noticed that the Zombies had begun to travel north. They quickly found a side road and ran to try and cut them off. They were ambushed by a Wight and one of the White Mother Dragons children who warned them of their impending doom.
Now they are but a stones throw away from the Great City of Saint Turee.
The Party after a long night of partying wakes up and sets off to look for some bandits. When they realize they are outnumbered they quickly run back to the tavern and get breakfast. Their Fighter and Gnoll have gone ahead to Saint Turee to scout, but they are joined by a new Dwarf Warlord, a Dragonborn Paladin, and their old buddy Voron the Warforged Fighter.
They are soon ambushed by Zombies and lots of them. It seems the Black Kings forces tampered with the towns most famous alcoholic drink, Poisonmead. It is derived from various hallucinogenic poisons. The drink turned the town into raving lunatic zombies. After defeating many of them they noticed that the Zombies had begun to travel north. They quickly found a side road and ran to try and cut them off. They were ambushed by a Wight and one of the White Mother Dragons children who warned them of their impending doom.
Now they are but a stones throw away from the Great City of Saint Turee.
Friday, February 4, 2011
The Dungeon of Dread
Third Session
The Party arrived at a small tavern on the road to the town of Boran. While there they grabbed a few drinks and tried relentlessly to gather information. Their Cleric and Sorceress, Alya, was able to find out information. They were also joined by a Warforged Mercenary by the name of Voron. The cornered a local bandit and asked about the road to Boran. He told them that it is plagued by the Dark Rider and he will slay any who travel the road at night. He informs them that their is a deadly short cut if they cut through the Dungeon of Dread. After much deliberating the party decides to brave the Dungeon.
Upon entering they are immediately assaulted by skeletons. After descending many levels and slaying many foes they arrive at the bottom level which has treasures and a ladder leading to the surface. It is protected by Black Storm Cultists and Jorgon the Beholder. The battle was long and hard, but they were able to defeat Jorgon and retrieve a book of experience. Reading one passage would make the person more knowledgeable and versatile. Reading more than one would cause them to perish. The book had enough unread passages to serve the entire group.
*The Party Leveled up to three
The Party arrived at a small tavern on the road to the town of Boran. While there they grabbed a few drinks and tried relentlessly to gather information. Their Cleric and Sorceress, Alya, was able to find out information. They were also joined by a Warforged Mercenary by the name of Voron. The cornered a local bandit and asked about the road to Boran. He told them that it is plagued by the Dark Rider and he will slay any who travel the road at night. He informs them that their is a deadly short cut if they cut through the Dungeon of Dread. After much deliberating the party decides to brave the Dungeon.
Upon entering they are immediately assaulted by skeletons. After descending many levels and slaying many foes they arrive at the bottom level which has treasures and a ladder leading to the surface. It is protected by Black Storm Cultists and Jorgon the Beholder. The battle was long and hard, but they were able to defeat Jorgon and retrieve a book of experience. Reading one passage would make the person more knowledgeable and versatile. Reading more than one would cause them to perish. The book had enough unread passages to serve the entire group.
*The Party Leveled up to three
Gnomes (Lords of Illusion)

Gnomes have long inhabited the world. They are believed to be distant cousins of Halflings by most scholars. Gnomes have no cities and no real society. They prefer to live in the company of other races and study and build things. Gnomes will more than likely live unwelcome in places of great magical study or understanding.

They have excellent vision and will more often than not read magical records or scripts written by powerful wizards when the wizards have fallen asleep. Gnomes are often Lawful Good, but are still capable of bending the rules. Stealthy like Halflings they can easily slip past guards or even magical barriers due to the attunement with magic. It is believed that before the Time of Awakening a Wizard that had seen no use for Halflings attempted to make them into conduits of magical energy so he could make war against his rivals. His experiments failed and he created the race known as Gnomes. These mutated and twisted Halflings, who were extremely adept with magic, trapped the Wizard in his own mind. His rivals soon overtook the Wizards stronghold and he was no more. The Gnomes, unwelcome by the Halflings, set out to find a place of their own. Gnomes prefer to study magic and will usually not take up martial arms. Gnomes share a love of story telling like their Halfling cousins and will usually take up the life of a Bard. Some Gnomes who share the Human drive will prefer to be leaders in combat and eventually Warlords commanding troops. Gnomes of Evil alignment almost always become Warlocks.
Rangers of Kerlo

Since the Time of Sorrow the Rangers of Kerlo have protected the Northern Kerlo Plains from all manner of evil. Cloaked and stealthy they easily track down and slaughter their prey. Founded in the ToS 213 to combat the threat of the Gnolls. The Rangers of Kerlo are of Good Alignment although a few renegades may be Unaligned.
The Rangers of Kerlo prefer to use bows as a quick and stealthy means of taking down their prey. They pride themselves on their endurance and ability to cover large distances without rest. The Rangers of Kerlo are usually Westerfolk, but may also be Easterfolk, Elves, or even occasionally Gnoll outcasts. While largely independent the Rangers use magical devices to communicate with each over long distances to coordinate the attack. The Rangers are often feared and avoided due to their stark attitudes. Rangers always inhabit the Northern Kerlo Plains, but will occasionally journey elsewhere to capture and kill their prey. Unlike bounty hunters, the Rangers of Kerlo can never be bought or bought off, they will see their task to the end.
Rangers of Kerlo gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls made as part of the standard action instead of +1 when using the Running Attack class feature.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Orders of Chivalry (Knights, Paladins, Cavaliers, and Do-gooders)

For millennium Knights have been a part of the Grand Scheme of things. The Knights of the Chivalric Orders have maintained balance in the Realm. Comprised mostly of Humans, the orders also play host to Dwarves, Dragonborn, and Half-Orcs.
Many of the Orders do not see eye to eye which has led to some rivalries, but do to the alignment of Knights they have never succumb to war. Although they have been on the brink many times. The Knights serve no particular monarchy instead choosing to serve the Realm as a whole. Usually equipped with the best gear and weapons as best to combat Evil. Keeping very little for themselves the Knights will generally give away most of their wealth. While their ideals are slightly convoluted, they are at heart the heroes of lore and will die defending the cause of Good.

The Order of The Dragon was founded in the Time of Awakening 1408 and flourished immediately. The Knights of the Order are sworn to protect the Cross Swords of Jendar, which is the symbol of the Gods. Knights of this order are proactive in slaying the enemies of the High Church of Jendar the Father God. They bear a red cross and a dragon on their tunics and garments. Usually heavily armored and mounted, they roam the Realm in groups killing all who would stand against the light of the Father God. Primarily fighting out of Saint Turee, they will often ride to the Northern Kerlo Plains and make battle with the Gnolls that inhabit that area. All members of the Order of the Dragon are Lawful Good.

A Knight of the People will do anything he is called upon to do. These Knights are the slayers of Dragons and killer of fiends that plague the Realm. They fight demons and other foul beasts. Often seeking out large creatures to destroy and secure their place in the heavens, Knights of the People are also aligned as Good rather than Lawful Good. A Knight of The People is most commonly Human in race and never a Paladin. Their symbol is a Dragon.
Knights of the Old Ways (AKA Knights of the Journey)
A Knight of the Old Ways are considered relics. They are few in number and are a dying caliber. Taught the virtues of the most heroic people from long before the Time of Awakening. A Knight of the Old Ways are often considered pariahs amongst their peers. They are the only order that allows Knights to grant Knighthood to their squires. Their symbol is purely white and they are always to their dying breath Lawful Good. A Knight who is on in years will often attach himself and his squire to an adventuring group. This is in order for him to commit one final courageous act in battle and to pass on leaving his squire to replace him.

Knights of the Temple are sworn to root out heretics and people set on destroying the High Church of Jendar. The Knights of the Temple never stray from the cities they protect and are often unarmored. They also protect the nobility and the homes of the people within the city they serve. Knights of the Temple are often overzealous in matters of church and state. They are not interested in fighting in battle and will only be called to do so if a crusade against evil has been called for by the High Priests. Knights of the Temple are often Good rather than Lawful Good. They will use almost any means necessary to destroy a heretic. Their symbol is a red cross.

Shield Maidens of the Light are similar to the Knights of the Order of the Dragon. They are eager to battle and are in many ways superior to their male counterparts. The Shield Maidens are often only Good, because of their zealous nature towards enemies of the Father God. Shield Maidens bear a white rose on their tunics and will pray before each battle. They are not likely to negotiate with anyone, causing some of their order to be cast out and banished. They will often fight to the death defending their Reverend Mother.
Gnolls (Lords of the Hunt)

Gnolls have inhabited the Northern Kerlo Plains for centuries. Created by the Hethen God Kirathos during the Time of Awakening. They are considered to be demonic entities placed in the world to cause destruction and violence towards civilized races and are seen by most Knightly Orders to be a test to overcome. Gnolls for the most part never leave the comfort zone of the plains, but occasionally leave to raid nearby villages and towns. Usually Evil in alignment they may also be neutral, because they do not tend to care about the state of the world or its problems.
Often at war with both Westerfolk and Easterfolk, the Gnolls numbers are declining due to the fact that they are fighting a two front war. In recent years the Gnolls have become more settled while they try to recuperate their numbers. Gnolls are usually part of the Grand Pack, which is an alliance of most of the Gnoll Packs living within the plains. Pack Leaders usually fight for dominance every few months. As the seasons change so do the Pack leaders.

Gnolls from Pack Gorefang receive a +1 bonus to intimidate checks.
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